What should be the size of the Concept Note?
This actually depends upon the donor requesting the Concept Note. However, we need to remember that it is the shortest possible text for our project idea. So, shorter the better. Most donor agencies request a minimum of one page to a maximum of three pages.
Is there a specific format for writing the Concept Note?
Usually donors do not have a format for a Concept Note as they have for a full proposal. But, there are some agencies, which issue solicitation for Concept Notes based upon a basic format given in the guidelines.
Is the Concept Note useful for the applying NGO as well?
Concept Note has many advantages for NGOs seeking funds. It practically gives a framework for ideas when they are organized on paper. It is also the first expression of the project and gives the flexibility for the organization to work and re-work on idea before presenting it to the donor.
What are the contents of the Concept Note?
While there is no standard format for a Concept Note, generally the following information is given:
1. Name of the Organization
2. Title of the Proposed Project
3. Potential Donor
4. Context (not more than 300 words)
5. Rationale for the Proposed Project
6. Project Goals and Objectives
7. Project Strategy/ Listing of Project Activities
8. Expected Results
9. Innovation: How different it is for other or earlier projects?
10. Organizational Background, including the expertise and experience.
12. Budget Estimate
13. Complete Contact Information of the NGO along with the name of the Contact Person.